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OUR Congregation

"Why I Love Trinity Church”


"We welcome all.  GREATEST church ever. I highly recommend it." (Adult)


"Trinity Church is a second home to our family, but Trinity is more than that.  Trinity Church was a large part of our children’s lives as they were growing into adults, is the place where we share in good times with our friends, and is the place where our family can find comfort and support in our daily lives.”  (Adult)


“I love Trinity because Trinity teaches about God in fun ways”.  (Youth)


“I would love to tell you why I love Trinity.   The first time I walked into Trinity over 40 years ago, I got this wonderful feeling that this is what I was always looking for in a church and I have never lost that feeling.  It has always felt warm and welcome and when I leave I am ready to take on life in the week ahead.”  (Adult)


“Trinity is made up of some of the nicest people I know.” (Adult)



“I love Trinity because:  This is the church I grew up in.  It’s my church.  It’s a beautiful building and centrally located.  I feel at home here.  It feels like a community center where people come

for meetings and feel welcome.”  (Adult)



“I was raised in the Catholic Church. I love Trinity because the religion is not judgmental.  Not a whole bunch of rules of what you can and can’t do but guidance on how to live a better more Christian life. I love that it is open and affirming to all people. The music is phenomenal and the Sunday service frequently changes. I’ve never regretted making the change.” (Adult)

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Leadership & ministries 



The Board of Deacons:

The Deacons form the leadership of Trinity Church. They oversee all spiritual and business matters.

Each one of Trinity Church’s Ministry Teams has a representative that serves on the Board of Deacons.



Christian Education:

The CE Ministry Team oversees faith foundations classes, youth groups, the nursery and adult Christian education programs. 


Finance and Property Team:

The Finance and Property Team handles all financial matters and matters pertaining to the church building and grounds, 

and the parsonage.


Green Team:

Our Green Team is looking for ways to conserve resources and protect our environment.


ONA Team :

The Open and Affirming/Welcoming and Affirming Team strives to create a welcome environment to ALL people, as well as educate about racism and LGBTQ concerns. You will find our open and Affirming Statement under "ABOUT US".



The Outreach Ministry Team organizes Trinity’s involvement in missions and community activities.


Pastoral Care:

The Pastoral Care Ministry Team reaches out to people in need of support through various ways: visits, cards, prayer shawls, Communion services at two local nursing homes, and a prayer circle.



The Worship Ministry Team plans worship services throughout the year (themes and music), including different forms of worship.

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Saturday Breakfast Fellowship:

Saturday Breakfast Fellowship meets the third Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. 

for breakfast and conversations.


Small Group Discussions:

Several times a year we offer 4-6 week discussion series on the Bible or other topics of interest. 

member directory 


Do you already have access to the member directory but need the link? CLICK HERE


Are you a member of Trinity Church who would like access to the member directory? Please contact the church office for details on how to access the directory for the first time. By email or phone (508) 383-8156.




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